
Why Aren't You With Someone?

Everywhere I go, all I hear are people talking about coupling up and wanting a significant other in their life. Then they always turn to me and ask "why are you not dating or with someone?" Grrr it annoys me. After being asked that like hella times, you would be to.
Let me tell you some of the most common things people tell me when I say I'm not interested in dating right now:
  1. You must've gotten your heartbroken
  2. You're never going to find love
  3. You're going to be lonely for the rest of your life
  4. You'll never be happy
I think people fail to realize that I AM NOT LIKE THEM
We are all in different stages in our life. We all have different priorities. Just because I don't care to be in a relationship right now does not mean I am doomed to be single for the rest of my life (that's not a bad thing either) and without any companionship. And who says I have to get married?!

Let me put it out there:

I haven't been heartbroken before because I've never been in love before. A little bruising, for sure, but I think it was mainly my ego that got hurt. I got over these little bumps in the road. Its nothing. The failed relationships with guys have not made me give up on all men. I'm sure there are good guys out there, but I just don't want ANY guy right now ;)

Also, the whole thing about me being lonely and never falling in love is ridiculous. People have it in their heads that if they're not with someone when they reach a certain age, they're destined to be "old spinsters" or "bachelors for life" I am not in a hurry to find someone and settle down. I have full confidence in nature that I will eventually find my soul mate. I am certain in fate and destiny that I do not feel the need to "search" for love; love will find me. It may not come now, but it will when I am ready, free, and able to give my heart to someone. "Good things come to those who wait" right? Right!{FYI...my friend told me some dude said this about me when she told him he didn't have a chance with me. Can someone say, hatin-ass, bitter fool? ^_^ hehehe I laughed when I heard this. It just shows you how one is so quick to knock down a person just because they weren't accepted by them. GROW UP. A real man would've just accepted the fact that I'm not interested and continued on with his day/life/whatever}.

The idea that I will not be happy if I am not with someone makes me wanna shake everyone who says that to me! >( I believe that happiness first starts with yourself.  Relationships contribute to your already existing happiness (totally sounds stupid but bare with me hehe). I don't depend on a man to bring joy into my life. My happiness does not lie in the hands of the opposite sex. I am content with who I am, what I do, my accomplishments, and the people already in my life. I enjoy myself as a single gal and as a taken gal; I am happy in every state.

My main concerns right now are my education, my work, my family/friends & myself. I don't have extra time to give to anyone else at this chapter in my life; call me selfish. I don't see that fitting with my life right now. I have things that I want to accomplish first and I don't want to feel like someone is holding me back. Then there will be feelings of resentment if I hold off on my life for this person. I don't want to resent anyone. I don't want to worry or  take into consideration another persons feelings right now. Its unfair to them  and unfair to myself.

Bottom line: although I have the capacity to be a dope ass gf, I just can't offer that to anyone right now because I have other priorities. Its better I stay single to focus on myself and my goals in life. Perhaps in the future I will settle down and fall in love with my soul mate. Real love will come when it is right; no worries here ^_^

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