
International Womens Day

First off let me just say HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY!

I don't think many people are aware of this day because it has not really been discussed in the US. Other countries they've made it an official holiday. I wish the US did too.

Women have come a long way and I am proud of that. We may not be equal yet with men (although we should be 100%), but the fact that we're still fighting for our rights, that just shows me our undying determination.The battle for women's rights continues.

I just want all women today to embrace who they are. I want them to believe in themselves, to know that they are capable of doing anything. People might criticize us, put us down, or try to reprimand us; but never let them win. Fight for what is just!

You are beautiful creatures. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about who you are.

For more information please check out the International Women's Day Website

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