
Quote of The Day

"Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it". 
-Robert Frost

Today I'm not necessarily addressing the quote precisely. I'm just going to talk about what came to mind.....

Some of the most profound, intelligent, & admired individuals are the ones who rarely say a word. Some of the most annoying and idiotic people on earth are the ones who keep talking and honestly have no "silencio" (silence) button on them. (its not always the case but this is the case i'd like to discuss, so hush yo mouth hehe)

I've noticed that sometimes the ones that keep talking incessantly really are rather like a baby in the beginning stages of life who's learning to speak. You hear a whole lot 'o' nothing basically... "goo goo ga ga" = nada! Nothing makes sense, some things are absurd, some are offensive and insensitive and just uncalled for. They just love talking for the sake of talking. I think some do it just for attention by their peers. I can only take so much of the ramblings from people before I get tired of being around them.

The quieter ones are usually the wisest of all. By allowing themselves to sit back and observe their surroundings, they are able to gather their thoughts in their heads before saying anything. When they finally do say something its soooooo insightful! You should really pay attention to them although they are quiet mainly. =)

Don't get me wrong, I love people that talk alot, but just not the ones that don't think before they say what they say. I love meaningful conversations, not stupid mindless jibber jabber. Part of the process of life is learning. If you're talking 99.9% of the time, you're not learning shit (pardon my french)! Its also cool to just lay back and chill and take in everything around you! You must be comfortable with silence. You must be open and willing to hear others out, to just exist and not say a word.

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