

What i always find to be helpful in my personal life are books on philosophy. I personally prefer to read ancient Greek philosophy and a few modern philosophers here and there.

I'm currently reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Let me give you a little background information on this man. Marcus Aurelius (161-180) was a roman emperor orphaned at a young age until his uncle Antoninus Pius adopted him. He took on his name thereafter. Antoninus was the successor of Hadrian's throne; which made Marcus the successor to Antoninus. Marcus always had the privileged life. He was taught by some of the most elite instructors. Throughout his lifetime he compiled a book of all of his teachings from his uncle, his instructors, fellow philosophers & his own thoughts. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was one of the pioneers of Stoic philosophy.

I love how everything makes perfect sense to me. Reading books can sometimes feel like you're reading another language & you worry the whole time trying to get the literal meaning rather than trying to understand  the actual message the author is trying to convey (e.g. the infamous yet oh so good plays of William Shakespeare) to readers. But not this book; anyone can read this and understand it with ease. His book touches almost every topic such as death, friendships, ambition, motivation, stress, fear etc.

Life is pretty hectic for me at times. I try not to let things get to me, but I am human, & sometimes I can crack. This is when I turn to philosophy. Philosophy gives great insight on life and I find it to be one of the most motivating things for me. After reading a few excerpts I am suddenly enlightened, revived, strong, and ready to conquer the world.

I'll probably post some excerpts from the book for readers to check out later tonight or this week. But for now I'll leave you with this.

For further information regarding Stoicism:

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