
Religious?. . . no

So earlier this week I was walking home from school. I was minding my own business listening to music on my iPod when I saw a group of women who were Jehovah Witnesses members, worshipers; whatever you'd like to call them.

I personally do not believe in God and I have been approached many times by these Jehovah Witness followers time and time again. I try to avoid because they are like pushy salesmen. I tell them I'm busy but they are not considerate to me; they just continue pestering me with the word of "God"
Anyways, I start to steadily increase my walking speed to get out of the situation asap, but one woman started walking my pace and started pulling out their magazines and the bible and asking me if I wanted some scriptures read to me from the Holy Bible. I politely declined and told her I was not interested. Then she was saying in spanish, "well let me just read you one, it'll only take a minute of your time." I just blatantly told her the truth, "I don't believe in GOD, so the bible really has no significance or importance in my life" You would think when you tell someone that you're not interested that they would respect your wishes and fall back. Not in this case! She kept at it and wanted to get down to the bottom of why I didn't believe in God and throwing in jabs about how people that have no religion are bad.

I hate hate hate, when people tell others what they should believe, that they are wrong, that they are not good people because of it. Who the hell was she to tell me that I'm wrong. There is no universal right & wrong. We all have different ideas on what is right and wrong. I used to be Catholic, and just like the Jehovah Witnesses they say to love your neighbors. So if I am considered a neighbor, why was she being aggressive towards me and attacking my views?! Shouldn't she just have respected that we have differences? I have caught myself a few times baggin on friends for being of a certain religion. But I realized this and have since then stopped saying anything to them about it. I mean, they doesn't force their religion onto me, so why should I be a jerk and talk negatively about their religion?

Anyways, I don't care for people or religions for that matter who find it neccessary to put down other peoples religions/views for the sake of winning "converts". I have been studying religion in cultures for my Cultural Geography class and I've learned a little bit about a few groups. I learned a little about Judaism, Catholiscism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, & etc. I believe in some of their views but not all.

This is my thinking: I don't believe in God. I don't believe in following a religion. I don't think I am a bad person because I have no affiliation to a group. I'm agnostic. Meaning, I believe that there is a higher power or some force that controls the happenings of life; but as far as giving "it" a name?..there is no name for me. I'm a woman of science, I need solid evidence before I can believe something. Just because it was written in a book is not enough proof for me to believe that Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, & others were prophets of this higher power that most refer to as God or Allah. I think I am just a strong believer in philosophy. Yes we evolved (my opinion) from primates, but that's not the end of the story. There are ways that one should conduct themselves. I think the utmost important thing that I can agree on with religions is that we have to be good people. I don't think its to be "saved" and sent over to the "heavens" or the "afterlife". I just think it pays to be a good person overall in this lifetime.

I just had to let that out. Once again, I'm not trying to bash religion, I'm just stating my viewpoints. By all means, join a religion if you truly believe in what they stand for, if you believe in a God or various Gods (for my Hindu friends). If it makes you happy, if it makes you a better person then I support you in your endeavors to be a better human being.Just respect me and I will respect you.

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